UPDATE: Port Hueneme Incident

Details of Port Hueneme Shooting-Video

VCFD shares details on the Port Hueneme Incident in a press release and video message from Fire Chief Mark Lorenzen. Click here for a Spanish version of the press release.

Statement from Fire Chief Mark Lorenzen on Port Hueneme Shooting

VCFD logo

“We are deeply saddened by the tragic shooting that occurred overnight in Port Hueneme near our fire station. We are investigating the circumstances surrounding the emergency response and medical services rendered to the mother and daughter following the shooting.”  Read More

LA Times: Expect More Fires this Summer

Tough fire

Significant rainfall brought an increase in grasses, and as those dry out during what’s expected to be a hotter-than-normal summer, the fire risk goes up. Read more from VCFD Chief Lorenzen.

VIDEO: Ready for Wildfires

Ready for wildfires

What can you do to prepare yourself for wildfire? VCFD shares how residents can protect themselves and their homes in this video highlight.

Hands Only CPR Week!

Hands Only CPR Training

June 1-7 is CPR and AED week, throughout the County you will see locations for Hands Only CPR training. At these locations in just a few minutes you will learn vital skills that could save a life. Your Ventura County Fire Department will be in the parking lot at E. Daily Dr. and Carmen Dr. … Read more

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