VCFD observes Fire Prevention Week

Pancake breakfast banner

Join local firefighters for two FREE pancake breakfasts in recognition of Fire Prevention Week. Hosted from 9-11a.m. on two Saturdays, 10/6 and 10/13, families will enjoy games, pancakes, sausage, and coffee and learn how to prepare and protect their families and homes from fire. Saturday, October 6th:  9-11 AM Fire Station 53 in Port Hueneme – 304 N. Second Street, … Read more

EVENT: October 11th Blood Drive

Blood Drive 2018

Join VCFD and United Blood Services for its annual Blood Drive on Thursday, October 11, 2018. Book an appointment now or call 805-543-4290, ext. 0. Sponsor Code is 8425

VIDEO – Welcome Santa Paula

Santa Paula welcome ceremony and event

Watch a short video of the highlights of the Welcome Ceremony and Pancake Breakfast as SPFD joined VCFD on July 21, 2018.

September is National Preparedness Month

National Prep Month

We never know when disasters will strike, but we can prepare for them. This year for National Preparedness Month, you can: Make and practice your emergency plan Learn lifesaving skills Check your coverage Save for an emergency Click for more info

VIDEO – BBQ Safety Tips with Capt. Ziegler

BBQ Safety

This weekend, 100s of 1000s in the US will enjoy the Labor Day holiday with family and friends around their BBQ. Click here to watch these tips and make sure your weekend is even more enjoyable.

Story: Acorn-VCFD always searching for a better way

Acorn Story

LEARNING THE ROPES—Members of the Ventura County Fire Department’s Urban Search and Rescue program regularly practice with their field equipment. Click here to read the full article in the Acorn Newspaper. Photo credit Dianne Avery

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