Fire Prevention Applications & Forms
Used to submit all construction-related projects and requests for operational fire code permits to the Fire Prevention Bureau.
Used to request a site inspection by the Fire Prevention Bureau.
Used to submit documents to the Fire Prevention Bureau when a fire permit application is already on file or not required for a project.
Used to obtain certification on required fire department access driveways/roadways by a licensed Civil Engineer.
Used to certify required fire-flow for construction projects. See instructions on page 1 of Form 610 for details on when this form is required.
Used to provide customer feedback on services received from the Fire Prevention Bureau.
Used to request a pre-inspection of a licensed care facility by the Fire Prevention Bureau.
Used to notify the Fire District when temporary pile storage will exceed 5,000 cubic yards upon any parcel.
640 Agricultural Notification of Temporary Pile Storage for Land Application
Used to record notice of approved fuel modification and landscape plans, and the associated maintenance requirements, including annual fire hazard abatement of defensible space zones.
Used to record an affidavit for the requirement of landscape plans.
Used to provide the required information to process a high-piled combustible storage fire code permit. This form must accompany a fire code permit application (VCFP #125A).
FP13.5.6 High-Piled Combustible Storage Permit Application Information