Evacuation and Alert Notices
1. Sign up for real-time emergency information regarding wildfires and up-to-date evacuation information by registering on www.vcemergency.com
2. Register with VCAlerts for up to date emergency information www.readyventuracounty.org/vc-alert/
Fire Damage Assessment Map
1. Find your neighborhood and zoom down to see which homes have been damaged or destroyed in the fires
*Field damage inspection is still ongoing and subject to change. The points shown on this map are being updated regularly as crews are able to safely access new areas. Data is subject to change as information is gathered, analyzed, and verified.
Recovery Information
1. For recovery information and recovery alerts visit: www.venturacountyrecovers.org/
This is an official page for the County of Ventura and the cities and unincorporated areas affected by the fires. Ventura County Recovers is intended to guide residents through the recovery process, regardless of the size of their loss.