Station 53

Fire Station 53 serves the city of Port Hueneme and the Port Hueneme Harbor. Through mutual-aid agreements, they often respond with the Oxnard and Ventura County Federal Fire Departments. Built in 1948, Station 53 was a combination of an engine room with small living quarters and a house. In 2000, the old station was demolished and replaced with a modern station that accommodates larger apparatus and privacy needs. The new station opened in 2001. Personnel at Station 53 are trained and equipped for ocean rescue, staffing the local Coast Guard cutter for EMS and the Ventura County Fire Boat-5 (operated by Lifeguards in Channel Islands Harbor) for firefighting. The station is staffed daily by three firefighters and houses Medic Engine 53; and Utility Pickup (Water Rescue 53) that is used in beach rescue work. Also assigned are two Rescue Water Craft (jet-ski), and an inflatable boat. Fire Station 53 is in Battalion 5.