Station 54

Fire Station 54 serves the central area of the City of Camarillo and is the Battalion 1 Headquarters. Battalion 1 commands the Camarillo and Somis areas and the department’s Special Operations activities. Special operations include hazardous materials mitigation, urban search and rescue services, water rescue and specialized firefighting activities such as shipboard and aircraft emergencies. Located next to the Post Office on Pickwick Drive, the station was built in 1995 to replace the old fire station and county building on Ventura Boulevard. Staffed daily by seven firefighters plus the battalion chief, the Camarillo Fire Station houses Engine 54; Truck 54 (a 100′ tillered aerial); Water Rescue 54 with two rescue water craft (jet-ski) and an inflatable boat (IRB); and Urban Search and Rescue Vehicle 54. A USAR cache trailer with additional USAR supplies is also assigned. The battalion chief has a command vehicle.